The purpose of WreckMaster training is to introduce members of the towing and recovery occupation to innovative, efficient ways to make the job easier and safer. Whether the operation involves moving a 5,000-pound car or 50,000-pound truck, the best way to get it done is learned in these courses.
All current or future members of the field of towing and recovery are welcome to attend the classes. Examples of interested parties are tow operators wanting to increase their knowledge and proficiency of towing and recovery, and business owners and staff in charge of in-house towing and recovery training, safety, and skills.
Designed for operators with limited experience. Dispatchers and sales staff with limited towing and recovery experience typically take this course to learn more about towing vocabulary and basic techniques. Operators with no prior towing and recovery experience also find it useful.
Level 2/3
The only pre-requisite for level 2/3 is a state or provincially-used driver’s license. Operators with any level of experience or skill gain valuable tips and techniques regarding methods needed to move a car using the attachment techniques. Understanding how to incorporate predictability and efficiency and gain client confidence by using the correct towing vocabulary is another class benefit.
7555 East Dead Creek Rd
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
© 2018 RP Recovery
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